I know my last few posts have had nothing to do with cars or trucks but I feel like this isn't the week to talk about that either. In the days following one of the worst tragedies of my time I have never seen a town, state, or country come together like it has since last Friday. In my mind it is comparable to the bonding that happened post 9/11. The outpouring support to the families and everyone involved in the horrific crime that happened must help them a bit, I hope anyway. I want to believe that it warms their heart a little knowing that they have people to fall back on because in the days to come, they will definitely need it.
I read today on one of the news websites (which I'm trying desperately to avoid but I can't seem to) that their has been a #26 Acts of Kindness For Newtown proposed to anyone who wants to involve themself. The #26 being a symbol for the 26 innocent people that lost their lives on Friday December 14th, 2012. It would be amazing if we could all set apart some time and committ to 26 acts of kindness to honor the 26 people that lost their lives last week. I believe in doing a kind act any day but there really is no better time than now to go out of your way to commit a kind act for your family, friend, neighbor, or stranger.
An example of how people are participating is like in this tweet someone posted earlier today-Just bought a cup of tea for the #Danbury cop behind me at @dunkindonuts drive thru#26acts #thankyoufirstresponders. How hard is that to buy a cup of tea for someone who puts their life on the line every single day? Not at all, but unfortunately the way things work is that usually something bad happens in order for people to open their eyes. Sometimes it takes a tragedy to realize if we could all just find a way to be kind to eachother then maybe things will get better instead of worse.
As soon as I read the post on NBC Connecticut I made a vow to myself to participate in this wonderful cause to do my part in honoring the innocent people who had their lives taken. First, I called Jet Blue to see if I could donate my Skymiles to the Parker family who from what I heard is the only family that will be traveling out of state to bury their beautiful daughter Emilie. They checked for me to see if this was possible but it wasn't. They thanked me for the offer and suggested that I look on Jet Blue's website because there are charities across the country that accept skymiles as a form of donation. Even before this horrific tragedy I have always had a close tie to giving back to the community (children in particular). I am on the FRIENDS Board for Connecicut Children's Medical Center and we spend our time raising money and having events to benefit CCMC. So I immediately looked through the list of charities having to do with "family & youth". I donated all of my skymiles to "Together We Rise" and with the miles I got 5 children entering foster care complete care packages for when they arrive at their homes. The care packages include teddy bears, blankets, and things to make them feel comforted.
1 day down-1 act completed.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
It's always a good time to give back

Imagine this beauty with a big fat bow on it!?
Taking donations at Monaco Ford from now-12/15/12
Onto a topic that I think is truly special and we hold close to our hearts at Monaco Ford is the U.S. Marine Corps Toys for Tots Foundation. We are an official drop of center for toys! This is such a special program and it puts smiles on children's faces during the holidays all across the country. There really is nothing more fulfilling than helping out the people who need it most during this time of giving. The toys will be picked up from Monaco Ford's showroom on Monday, December 17th so you still have plenty of time to make a difference in someone's life! You may think what is one toy going to do for someone but let me tell you the answer is A LOT. We'll have a live radio broadcast in the showroom at 767 New London Tpke Glastonbury CT from 6am-10am on Friday, December 14th so come in then and maybe you can even catch some time on the air!
During the holidays its not always about giving back in a material way it can be a wide variety of things to make a difference in someone's life. Take someone to see Christmas lights that cannot take themselves, volunteer at a soup kitchen, or make someone dinner just to say Happy Holidays. Whatever kind act you do this holiday season remember to remind yourself that no matter how small or large of an act you did-it IS a big deal.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Veteran's Day shouldn't just be one day..
As many of you know, my family takes a lot of pride in the fact we sell American made products. The pride we take in our country does not end there. Through many generations the men in my family have served this country and most recently, my brother Mike. Mike graduated from Glastonbury High School in 2003, and served in the U.S. Marine Corps. To me, my older brother has always been my hero. I mean it's my older brother! After he left for bootcamp the term hero that I placed on him took on a whole new meaning that I never saw coming. Mike went to bootcamp in South Carolina..then had training in various different parts of the country before being based in North Carolina and shortly after that he left for Iraq in 2005. At this time in my life I didn't know how to handle what was really going on..I was trying to be as supportive as possible for my brother but really (as usual) he was the strong one and I was a complete mess. It was the only time in my life when I just really didn't know what to say to him without crying. I honestly still get emotional to this day thinking about that awful time. I would barely sleep thinking maybe tonight he'll call..and the few rare times I got to hear his voice in the middle of the night with all the mayhem going on in the background of his end of the phone-actually made it worse I think! Looking back I think to myself he's the one that's across the world in a very hostile situation and he's consoling me!? Doesn't even make sense but he was always protecting me and my feelings even if it should have been the reverse role. Just knowing that my brother could have easily gone to college after high school, played soccer, or just simply gone straight into the work force makes my respect level for him go even higher than imagined. He was 18 years old and he made his choice to go and defend our country. If that's not a hero I don't know what is. Onto the fun part, those Marine's are complete animals (in a good way) and some of the most fun people I've ever met in my life. Mike's bond with those guys is unbreakable. Because of his bond with them they took me into their life as well no questions asked just because I was Mike's sister and they truly have become part of our family. I respect all the men and women across this country who have served and are currently serving but when you have a personal connection to Veteran's I think Veteran's Day isn't just one day in your life...it's everyday. These men and women protect us so we can do our day to day activities whatever they may be. I'm telling you right now these people damn well deserve more than one day of honor. So do me a favor, when you get an opportunity please thank someone for their service, it doesn't matter which day of the year it is.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Sandy you big jerk
This article will clearly have nothing to do with cars but I feel it's important for everyone (atleast where I am in Central CT) to look around and realize how lucky we got. Just a mere 40 miles away and all the way to NYC & NJ houses were literally taken right off there foundation...that is if you were lucky enough to still have a home. Oh you lost power for a few days? Tell me how bad that was for you. You still have a home that is standing on the ground. This article is not to make people feel bad for what they do have but rather just be thankful for it. In this time of need lets team together and help however we can whether its providing food, clothes, or even a helping hand to those left with nothing. Starting today we will have a donation box in the showroom @767 New London Tpke Glastonbury, CT. We're taking really anything that you think could help someone out. Thanks and be thankful!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Winter is on the horizon..
I have some helpful tips on how to "winterize" your vehicle. Now this blog may not apply to people living much south of here but for all of you that have been through a Northeast winter or two you know your vehicle needs to be prepared. Hopefully this info can help you out or at least save you from a few headaches as we head full force into the winter months.
First thing I would make sure of is that your tire pressure is correct. As the weather temperature drops so does your pressure and as we all know around here it can drop fast. You want to keep your tire pressure accurate to what it reads to your specific vehicle (it lists what it should be at in your owners manual). Or if you're more like me and just bring it to the dealership then the mechanics/technicians working on your vehicle will make sure its on point for you. You get the best traction when your tire pressure is correct and with the Northeast's icy, snowy, and wet conditions you're going to need that traction-I can assure you.
Get the right kind of oil change. No i'm not talking about the oil changes from your local jiffy lube. Go to the dealership and get an oil change before winter hits. The dealerships are almost gauranteed to use a better quality oil than the quick oil change places. You want better oil in your vehicle when the winter hits because as it gets colder-the oil thickens. When the oil thickens it does not lubricate the engine to its fullest ability. How well does your body work if it does not have enough fluid? Ya, thats what I thought.
If you have a 4WD vehicle make sure it's ready to actually be used. Although people, myself included, just expect our vehicles to work perfectly all the time - well that's not always the case. All spring and summer long the trucks and suvs do not use their 4WD capability so there is no harm in making sure its ready to use when you turn it on. Otherwise you never know your 4WD vehicle might actually handle like kids sled when the bad weather hits. Can't hurt to get it checked!
Get new windshield wipers and refill the wiper fluid. I would probably call myself a wiper abuser at this point. If it's barely raining out my wipers are on. If there is the smallest ounce of bird poop on my windshield I press on my wiper fluid button until it basically runs out and my windshield is sparkling like a diamond. I know thats a bit much but I can't deal with the mess. The windshield is usually covered in some sort of snow, rain/ice mixture, or dirt and sand from the snow clean up pretty much all winter long so its time to change out those wipers from last year with new ones! Also, make sure your wiper fluid is full. Wiper fluid NOT water (I won't name any person in particular that thought that was a good idea).
Last but not least have an emergency kit. My dad would be wicked proud that this even made my list but I actually do think it's very important. I mean I don't have a blanket or anything but I feel like I always have enough gym clothes and crap in my car that I could always use that. I have a flashlight (2 actually), snowrake, ice scraper, jumper cables, & a first aid kit. That seems to be realistic things to keep in your car so I could call that an emergency kit. Oh and apparently they always tell you to have a plan if something does happen i.e. breakdown in a storm so have one of those too! I will call my dad and cry until he tells me to relax-thats my plan.
This is a long one...but hopefully a little helpful!
First thing I would make sure of is that your tire pressure is correct. As the weather temperature drops so does your pressure and as we all know around here it can drop fast. You want to keep your tire pressure accurate to what it reads to your specific vehicle (it lists what it should be at in your owners manual). Or if you're more like me and just bring it to the dealership then the mechanics/technicians working on your vehicle will make sure its on point for you. You get the best traction when your tire pressure is correct and with the Northeast's icy, snowy, and wet conditions you're going to need that traction-I can assure you.
Get the right kind of oil change. No i'm not talking about the oil changes from your local jiffy lube. Go to the dealership and get an oil change before winter hits. The dealerships are almost gauranteed to use a better quality oil than the quick oil change places. You want better oil in your vehicle when the winter hits because as it gets colder-the oil thickens. When the oil thickens it does not lubricate the engine to its fullest ability. How well does your body work if it does not have enough fluid? Ya, thats what I thought.
If you have a 4WD vehicle make sure it's ready to actually be used. Although people, myself included, just expect our vehicles to work perfectly all the time - well that's not always the case. All spring and summer long the trucks and suvs do not use their 4WD capability so there is no harm in making sure its ready to use when you turn it on. Otherwise you never know your 4WD vehicle might actually handle like kids sled when the bad weather hits. Can't hurt to get it checked!
Get new windshield wipers and refill the wiper fluid. I would probably call myself a wiper abuser at this point. If it's barely raining out my wipers are on. If there is the smallest ounce of bird poop on my windshield I press on my wiper fluid button until it basically runs out and my windshield is sparkling like a diamond. I know thats a bit much but I can't deal with the mess. The windshield is usually covered in some sort of snow, rain/ice mixture, or dirt and sand from the snow clean up pretty much all winter long so its time to change out those wipers from last year with new ones! Also, make sure your wiper fluid is full. Wiper fluid NOT water (I won't name any person in particular that thought that was a good idea).
Last but not least have an emergency kit. My dad would be wicked proud that this even made my list but I actually do think it's very important. I mean I don't have a blanket or anything but I feel like I always have enough gym clothes and crap in my car that I could always use that. I have a flashlight (2 actually), snowrake, ice scraper, jumper cables, & a first aid kit. That seems to be realistic things to keep in your car so I could call that an emergency kit. Oh and apparently they always tell you to have a plan if something does happen i.e. breakdown in a storm so have one of those too! I will call my dad and cry until he tells me to relax-thats my plan.
This is a long one...but hopefully a little helpful!
emergency kit,
first aid kit,
ice scraper,
jumper cables,
prepare for winter,
tire pressure,
windshield wipers,
wiper fluid
Monaco Ford
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
How not to...
I'm going to do my best and give you a few pointers on how NOT to run your car into the ground...
1. Change the oil when the sticker says so-Now I am the first person guilty of not following this rule. I know so many people that say "oh well I just wait for the light to come on and it tells me 'oil change'". Well apparently that is the wrong thing to do. So do your dealership service department or Jiffy Lube or wherever you go a favor and take a look at that sticker on your windshield from time to time and get your oil changed accordingly. PS-this advice is coming from the girl who has gone 5,000 mi over what the sticker says..
2. Put the correct gas in it-Listen, I know everyone loves driving fancy cars (who wouldn't) but if you cannot afford the premium gas then please just save yourself the time & frustration of actually harming your vehicle and buy one that you can afford to fill weekly.
3. Bring it in for a "tune-up"-Just like you and I, the vehicle needs to be checked out from time to time. Whether you consider your tune up a yearly doctor visit or a 60 min massage & mani/pedi (like I do) it's the same concept. If you expect your vehicle to run to its fullest capability for you on a day to day basis then you have to give it some TLC from time to time. When I say TLC I mean for the mechanics/technicians to take care of these duties not like the TLC like that person on 'My Strange Addiction' who literally has a relationship with his car. Just to clear that up.
4. If you eat in your car...- Everyone does this (including myself) but I highly suggest that you do it in a bit of neater fasion than I do. First, I eat more chips than any human ever should in their lifetime which is a bit irrelevant but not when it comes to the amount of crumbs that have been in my seats before. Don't do that to the poor person that has to detail your vehicle & if it's you that details your vehicle then save yourself. With that being said, keep your car clean. Don't be afraid to vacuum it or get it vacuumed and washed every once and a while...it'll go a long way. One more thing, try not to get the sour cream/cheese concoction that comes on the cheesy fiesta potatoes at taco bell on your seat belt-from what I hear it's a real pain to get that stain out.
1. Change the oil when the sticker says so-Now I am the first person guilty of not following this rule. I know so many people that say "oh well I just wait for the light to come on and it tells me 'oil change'". Well apparently that is the wrong thing to do. So do your dealership service department or Jiffy Lube or wherever you go a favor and take a look at that sticker on your windshield from time to time and get your oil changed accordingly. PS-this advice is coming from the girl who has gone 5,000 mi over what the sticker says..
2. Put the correct gas in it-Listen, I know everyone loves driving fancy cars (who wouldn't) but if you cannot afford the premium gas then please just save yourself the time & frustration of actually harming your vehicle and buy one that you can afford to fill weekly.
3. Bring it in for a "tune-up"-Just like you and I, the vehicle needs to be checked out from time to time. Whether you consider your tune up a yearly doctor visit or a 60 min massage & mani/pedi (like I do) it's the same concept. If you expect your vehicle to run to its fullest capability for you on a day to day basis then you have to give it some TLC from time to time. When I say TLC I mean for the mechanics/technicians to take care of these duties not like the TLC like that person on 'My Strange Addiction' who literally has a relationship with his car. Just to clear that up.
4. If you eat in your car...- Everyone does this (including myself) but I highly suggest that you do it in a bit of neater fasion than I do. First, I eat more chips than any human ever should in their lifetime which is a bit irrelevant but not when it comes to the amount of crumbs that have been in my seats before. Don't do that to the poor person that has to detail your vehicle & if it's you that details your vehicle then save yourself. With that being said, keep your car clean. Don't be afraid to vacuum it or get it vacuumed and washed every once and a while...it'll go a long way. One more thing, try not to get the sour cream/cheese concoction that comes on the cheesy fiesta potatoes at taco bell on your seat belt-from what I hear it's a real pain to get that stain out.
cleaning your car,
eating in your car,
good condition vehicle,
multipoint inspection,
oil change,
tune up,
Monaco Ford
Monday, September 24, 2012
Ford Intro Show
The 2013 Fusion that was given to this lucky lady!
More Fusions on display...in the rain
2013 ford fusion,
alan mulally,
Ford Motor Company,
free car,
fuel efficiency,
ryan seacrest,
save money,
Times Square,
Times Square
Friday, August 3, 2012
High Five Tour 2012

American Flag,
Car Show,
High Five Tour,
Monaco Family,
Shelby Mustang,
Sports cars,
Super Snake,
Wounded Warrior Family Project
Monaco Ford
What’s HOT & What’s NOT
The Ford Fusion has made the “What’s Hot” list and not just because I personally drive one but for many reasons I will explain to you. First being that it’s a good looking Ford car. Ford has struggled in past years producing a sexy car besides the mustang. So this car finally can quiet down all the people who say any vehicle with a blue oval on it should belong to someone over the age of 70. Second and equally important reason is the gas mileage the Ford Fusion gets. I don’t know what’s more appealing these days than a vehicle that doesn’t break the bank when you bring it to the pump. The 2011 Ford Fusion (gas engine) can get up to 33mpg and looks damn good doing so which is not an easy task for vehicles as of late. Thirdly (and my personal favorite reason) is the Driver’s Vision Package which is available for the SEL, Sport, & Hybrid models. This package includes a few features that have made me a better driver or at least has led me to believe I am a better driver. The best feature is the rear camera that comes on automatically when the car is put into reverse. I still turn around and check if I’m about to take out another car in the parking lot but really this cameras large view is as close as you’re going to come to having eyes in the back of your head. This package also comes with the BLIS (Blind Spot Information System) feature which is also fabulous. There are small lights in the corners of both the side mirrors and will actually light up if someone is in your blind spot on that side of the vehicle. Once again a feature that gives you an extra set of eyes that are welcome to help. Well that wraps up why I have put the Ford Fusion on the “what’s hot” list for this month now onto the what’s not.. High gas prices have made the “What’s Not” list. Why? Because filling up your gas guzzler of a vehicle puts a damper on your day or maybe even your week! I know a lot of you have thought about trading in your SUV or Cross-over vehicle for something smaller but just can’t bear the thought of downsizing. Well luckily for you ford is here to give you some options. The ALL NEW 2013 Ford Escape has an option 1.6L EcoBoost engine that delivers best-in-class automatic highway fuel economy of 33 mpg. The improved fuel economy is just one of the many new and exciting features of the 2013 Ford Escape. The all new sleek look with z shaped body lines and the large lower trapezoidal grille are eye catching designs you have not seen on a Ford vehicle yet. Ok, back to the real topic of keeping the money in your wallet as opposed to in a gas tank. For all of you F series lovers, we might have the solution to keep you in your truck! The 2012 Ford F-150 comes with an optional EcoBoost engine that will definitely help the ever growing gas price issues. The 2012 F-150 with an EcoBoost engine has an estimated mpg of 16/city and 22/highway. I know what you’re thinking to yourself, how can an engine of that size give the truck any towing capability or any of the other things I need to use my truck for. Well this truck has a towing capability of 11,300 pounds which is best in class so that should answer any of your questions or doubts right there. Bottom line is that this truck will give you power of a V8 engine with fuel efficiency of a V6. I know that is music to all truck lovers’ ears.
2011 Fusion,
all wheel drive,
Blind spot,
blind spot information system,
drivers vision,
fuel efficiency,
gas tank,
towing capability,
truck lovers,
Monaco Ford
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