Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"DIY"...I don't think so

So I realize some people are more handy than others but this whole Do It Yourself trend is just really not my thing.  I've joined Pinterest and all that great stuff and I've gotten a ton of interesting ideas of things to put in my home that I would ultimately need to hire someone to do. The reason for this will be clearly explained in the story I'm about to tell you...

A week ago I decided to keep going with my painting project at my condo when things went terribly, terribly wrong.  My younger brother (bless him) decided to help me with this and I obviously took his offer up and had him help me.  We got the walls all prepped and laid down the painting blankets and all the boring stuff before the painting begins. Next, onto the fun stuff which is the actual painting...I was going around the hallway minding my own business on a ladder painting the edges while nick used the roller when i fell off the ladder INTO the gallon of PURPLE paint. It would be completely fine if I just stepped into the can then whatever I would just clean it off but that is not what happened next. The can of paint tipped over and a half gallon of let me repeat PURPLE paint fell onto my tan carpet. At this point I didn't scream or really do anything but try to as calmly as possible ask Nick why the paint can was behind the ladder (with a few choice words added into that sentence)!? He swore he just had it there for one second which I replied when in our life have you ever seen me not clumsy even for ONE second!? I walked away and started hysterically crying. I then called my dad's assistant Jean to get the phone number of the people who clean Monaco's carpets to see maybe just maybe they could salvage this mess first thing the next morning she informed me that wouldn't be good enough and something needed to be done. I was crying and laughing at this point because my hallway carpet looked like barney had been murdered on it. Nick laughed at this and I told him to shut up SHUT UP (add choice words into that sentence for what really happened). Jean (dad's assistant) told me to keep the paint I started dumping water on it and realized at this moment that I have a shop vac in my basement. It seems insane but when I moved in my dad left me a shop vac to have and swore to me that I would need it at some point even know I told him I wouldn't and it could just stay in my basement. Well dad, you're right, once again. The shop vac saved my life (my carpet & bank account really). Nick kept just telling me how much paint was coming out and how good it looked so I would stopping complaining and crying. Everything was going phenomenal until the shop vac was full and it started spraying purple water out the back onto the freshly painted walls. At this point I was wondering why god hated me so much in this moment. 4 hrs later the project was completed and about 95% of the paint was out of my carpet (I'll take 95%).

The point of this story is that in this blog I try to give a lot of tips to maintain your vehicle to keep it running at it's highest ability. This is not saying that you need to do everything yourself because if you're anything like me a routine oil change would turning into blowing up your vehicle. So I'd say take the term "DIY" lightly and go to the professionals before you hurt something or yourself.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Are you taking care of your vehicle?

In case you didn't know we are in the middle of winter and I'm sure there has to be more snow, ice, slush, you name it on its way in the next couple of months. What have you done to take care of your vehicle since the winter came along? Well, if you're anything like me you need to be told what to do and when to do it when it comes to vehicle care.

I know its always raining or snowing but all the dirt and salt from the ground from the previous storm can be damaging to the paint on your car and the undercarriage. Make sure you clean your vehicle the same amount that you do in the other months. I know it seems pointless because it never seems to stay clean with how messy the roads can be but its important. When cleaning the car make sure you get all the hard to reach areas like the bumpers and wheel wells. That is where rust is most likely to form and that will cost you in the future.

Every once and a while check your heat and defrosters to make sure they are working to their best ability. When the vehicle is running if you turn your heat on it should become warm quickly.

Make sure you purchase dependable brand car batteries. A main reason why vehicles don't start is because people buy cheap or poor quality batteries and that's not going to get you very far. No one wants to deal with their vehicles not starting, especially in the wintertime.

Make sure your the oil and antifreeze are at the recommended levels. Many vehicles have a 50/50 antifreeze to water ratio but you may adjust your antifreeze level to a bit higher if your vehicle is enduring colder temperatures in the winter months ahead.

I went over some other things in a previous blog to prepare your vehicle for winter. That article plus these tips should keep your vehicle; sally, pearl, or whatever you call "her" in tip top shape!

Now onto one of the most important topics-safe driving in the winter! If you want safe tips for winter driving you should probably google them because I really don't change my driving much. I have a lot of places to be and let me tell you there is absolutely no time for Sunday driving.

Here's my advice, if its icy try to chill out a little and don't speed as much. Don't ride people too close. Oh that brings up another good point...regular maintenance is VERY important especially during winter months to make sure your breaks are on point. If it's snowing just stay home with a bottle of wine and cancel your plans so you don't have to deal with all the idiots on the road without AWD drive or 4WD vehicles. Like I said before, I'm probably not the girl to ask about this winter driving-I can just advice you how to keep the best care of your vehicle.

On a serious note if you do feel your vehicle seems different or not right do not hesitate to call your dealership and just double check with the technicians and service writers. It can never hurt to be cautious.

Safe travels everyone!!
